WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Commerce today released its final determinations in the antidumping duty investigations of mattresses imported from seven countries – Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Serbia, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam – and the countervailing duty investigation of mattresses imported from China.

The final antidumping margins range from 2.22% to 763.28%, based on the country and the company from a given country.
The country-specific margins are: 45.34% for Cambodia; 2.22% for Indonesia; 42.92% for Malaysia; 112.11% for Serbia; 37.48% to 763.28% for Thailand; 20.03% for Turkey; and 114.92% to 668.38% for Vietnam. The China countervailing duty final rate is 97.78%.
The rates will go into effect once the final determinations are published in the Federal Register, which should be within five to seven days. At that time, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection will continue the suspension of liquidation that occurred when the Commerce Department issued its preliminary antidumping determinations in October. The cash deposit requirements will change to reflect the new rates.
The investigations commenced after seven U.S. mattress manufacturers and two unions representing workers at domestic mattress factories filed petitions with the Commerce Department and the U.S. International Trade Commission last year. The petitions alleged that imports of mattresses from the above countries were being sold in the U.S. at unfair and subsidized prices and were causing material injury to the domestic mattress industry.
The Commerce Department started its investigations in April, and the Trade Commission announced the results of its preliminary affirmative injury determinations in these cases in May. In September, the Commerce Department found China was providing unfair subsidies to its mattress producers and imposed countervailing duties of 97.78% to offset the subsidies. In October, the Commerce Department issued preliminary affirmative antidumping findings.
With these final findings, the Trade Commission will complete its investigation of whether these unfairly traded imports are causing material injury to the U.S. industry. The Trade Commission is expected to hold its public vote in this case on or around April 21 and to issue its formal written decision soon after that.