Pinterest simplifies process to create multiple targeted ads

Pinterest has partnered with several companies to simplify the process of creating hundreds of targeted ads like this one.

SAN FRANCISCO — Social media site Pinterest has partnered with several platforms to allow retailers to more easily create multiple pins with audience-specific messaging.

The site has partnered with RevJet, StitcherAds, and to introduce a new customized advertising format called Dynamic Creative. This new method lets marketers automate the process of designing ads to target specific audiences. Advertisers can make multiple versions of pins from digital assets or a product feed. The new platform automatically imports data such as price, location and availability for target audiences.

“Fortune 500 companies can’t simply release random pins,” said Darren Waddell, RevJet executive vice president of sales and marketing, in a blog. “They have to fit a certain design language and also need to conform to a pixel perfect template. Some parts of a company’s template come from their product catalog, others from their digital asset management, some more from approved copy, and so on.”

Waddell said RevJet is able to put this all together with its smart forms functionality. This helps advertisers reduce the amount of effort needed to create hundreds of customized ads for specific audiences in order to drive sales. Marketers also can run A/B tests of the creative to compare which ads drive the best performance

Pinterest said these new partnerships come as part of its effort to support shopping-related behaviors on its platform. The number of pinners who engaged with shopping sites in the six months prior to Sept. 30, 2020, grew by 85%, according to the company.

Last September, Pinterest launched ads alongside the shop tab in search results and in its Lens visual search feature and said it will soon allow retailers to place ads within shoppable pins.

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